Bicycle Weeder

Out Of Stock Bicycle Weeder

The dry land weeder (peg type) is manually operated weeder suitable for operation between the crop rows. It consists of a roller, which has two mild steel discs joined by mild steel rods. The small diamonds shaped pegs are welded on the rods in a staggered fashion. The complete roller assembly is made of mild steel. The V shaped blade follows the roller assembly and is mounted on the arms... The height of the blade can be adjusted according to the working depth. The arms are joined to the handle assembly, which is made from thin walled pipes. The height of the handle can also be adjusted according to the requirement of the operator. For removing weeds it is repeatedly pushed and pulled in between the crop rows in the standing position. The diamonds shaped pegs penetrate into the soil and the rolling action pulverize the soil. The blade in the push mode penetrates into the soil and cuts or uproots the weeds. The wheel hand hoe is a widely accepted weeding tool for doing weeding and interculture in row crops. It is a long handled tools operated by pushing and pulling action. The number of wheel varies from one to two and the diameter depends upon the design. The frame has provision to accommodated different types of soil working tools such as, straight blade, reversible blades, sweeps, V -blade, tyne cultivator, pronged hoe, miniature furrower, spike harrow (rake) etc. It can be operated by a single person. All the soil working components of the tool are made from medium carbon steel and hardened to 40-45 HRC. For operation, the working depth of the tool and handle height is adjusted and the wheel hoe is operated by repeated push- pull action which allows the soil working components to penetrate into the soil and cut/uproot the weeds in between the crop rows. With this action, the weeds also get buried in the soil. There are no products to list in this category.

NOTE: Please note that as the material is heavy, couriers will not accept the material so this material will be sent by transport and the transportation cost will be paid by the buyer

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  • Product Sold: 17408
  • Model Bicycle Weeder
  • Availability: Out Of Stock
  • ₹2,970
  • Ex Tax: ₹2,970

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